--- jupytext: formats: md:myst text_representation: format_name: myst kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 name: python3 --- ```{code-cell} ipython3 --- tags: [remove-cell] --- # Notebook setup import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('../../site.mplstyle') %matplotlib inline from numpy_survey_results.utils import flatten, gluval # Location of generated content os.makedirs('_generated', exist_ok=True) # For variable integration from myst_nb import glue ``` # Contributions Like many open source projects, NumPy largely relies on community contributions for maintenance and improvements. One of the objectives of this survey was to learn more about NumPy users’ experiences and motivations as contributors to NumPy and other open source projects. ```{code-cell} ipython3 --- tags: [hide-input] --- # Load data related to open-source contributions *other* than NumPy fname = "data/2021/numpy_survey_results.tsv" column_names = [ 'contributed', 'projects', 'projects_other', 'contr_type', 'contr_type_other', 'regular', 'how_got_started', 'how_got_started_other', 'interested', 'limitations' ] nonnumpy_contributions_dtype = np.dtype({ "names": column_names, "formats": ['