--- jupytext: formats: md:myst text_representation: format_name: myst kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 name: python3 --- ```{code-cell} ipython3 --- tags: [remove-cell] --- # Notebook setup import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('../../site.mplstyle') %matplotlib inline from numpy_survey_results.utils import flatten, gluval # Location of generated content os.makedirs('_generated', exist_ok=True) # For variable integration from myst_nb import glue ``` # Contributions % NOTE: The structure of the NumPy and non-NumPy contributions questions are % slightly different. ```{code-cell} ipython3 --- tags: [hide-input] --- # Load data related to open-source contributions *other* than NumPy fname = "data/2020/numpy_survey_results.tsv" column_names = [ 'contributed', 'projects', 'projects_other', 'contr_type', 'contr_type_other', 'regular', 'how_got_started', 'how_got_started_other', 'interested', 'limitations' ] nonnumpy_contributions_dtype = np.dtype({ "names": column_names, "formats": ['